In an earlier post, I had showed how to build a tree-table component (in Swing with SwingX JXTreeTable component) with 2 different entities (which have a HAS-A relationship). In this post, let us examine how to achieve the same in JavaFX TreeTableView.
As indicated in my earlier post, in real scenario(s), we will need to deal with showing a tree-table view with different entities, for example, to display a department with list of employees belonging to the department. These may share a relationship at the db level, but it will be a HAS-A relationship at object level. When we attemp to display this in a tree-table, note that the parent is one type of object and the children (leaf) another.
The official JavaFX TreeTableView tutorial available on Oracle site, actually does display a department and a list of employees as children. But, if you notice the code, it uses only one object - an Employee object throughout (even for the department). The department is just displayed as a trick of using the first object as root (where the name is set and email is left as empty). This is good for illustration purposes, but, it is important to know how to deal with 2 different objects for such scneario(s).
Let us first create the entities. I will be using the same attributes (except photo for Employee) from the earlier example.
public class Employee {
private int id;
private String name;
private Date doj;
public Employee(int id, String name, Date doj) { = id;
//setters and getters not shown for brevity
public class Department {
private int id;
private String name;
private List<Employee> employeeList;
public Department(int id, String name, List<Employee> empList) { = id;
public List<Employee> getEmployeeList() {
return employeeList;
public void setEmployeeList(List<Employee> employeeList) {
this.employeeList = employeeList;
//other setters and getters
As JavaFX came into existence after Java 1.5 (the Java API version), everything in JavaFX is generified. So, right from declaring the TreeTableView to adding columns, everywhere the entity is specified. However, for us, we will be dealing with 2 different entities. So, we will not specify the entity anywhere. We will just use the normal syntax for dealing with objects like:
TreeTableView treeTableView = new TreeTableView(dummyRoot);
instead of
TreeTableView<Employee> treeTableView = new TreeTableView<>(dummyRoot);
As we are going to show a list of departments (where each department will have a list of employees), I am using a dummy root object (this root object can represent an Organization when we want to show the root), like:
final TreeItem dummyRoot = new TreeItem();
Now, I create the TreeTableView with this dummyRoot tree item. Then I call the setShowRoot(false) to hide the root. Again, note the lack of usage of generics here.
Now, we need to add all our items to this root. We will deal with that later.
Let's now create the columns. We need to show 3 columns (id, name and doj) for Employee. For Department, the 3rd column will not display any value. First, I create the column, like:
TreeTableColumn idColumn = new TreeTableColumn("Id");
Next step is to specify how the column is going to fetch the value from the entity and display it.
We need to set the cellValueFactory by passing a javafx.util.Callback which will be type parameterized as follows:
Callback<TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<S,T>, ObservableValue<T>>
The Callback interface has one method call() which we need to override. The call() method actually takes TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<S,T> as param and returns ObservableValue<T>. Here, S is the parent object that represents that row and T is the type for that column. This will be called back whenever JavaFX decides to update its view.
As is the norm in JavaFX, we would normally generify the call with the object that we expect, say Employee and the column type, say, String. However, in our case, as the parent object can either be Employee or Department, we will not be able to use generics. Likewise, the column may actually have Integer type for Employee object and String type for Department object (not in this example, but, this is very much possible).
So, we will simply use the Object as the type for the parameter to the call method, So, the implementation will be like:
idColumn.setCellValueFactory(new Callback() {
public Object call(Object obj) {
//return ObservableValue (without type)
Remember that as mentioned above, the incoming Object obj is actually of type TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures. So, we have to type cast the same and then call getValue() which will then return a TreeItem object:
TreeItem represents each node in the Tree and has a value attached to it - which is actually the value object. So, we have call getValue() on the TreeItem object to get the domain object which in our case can be Employee or Department:
Object dataObj = ((TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures)obj).getValue().getValue();
So, now we can do an instanceof check on dataObj to identify the correct type and then invoke the correct method, like:
We need to return a ObservableValue from the method, so, we will return a ReadOnlyStringWrapper which takes a String value as an argument. So, we can return like:
return new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(String.valueOf(((Department)dataObj).getId()));
The full call looks like:
idColumn.setCellValueFactory(new Callback() {
public Object call(Object obj) {
Object dataObj = ((TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures)obj).getValue().getValue();
if(dataObj instanceof Department) {
return new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(String.valueOf(((Department)dataObj).getId()));
else if(dataObj instanceof Employee) {
return new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(String.valueOf(((Employee)dataObj).getId()));
return null;
As we created the TreeTableView with a dummyRoot TreeItem object, all we need to show data is to simply add TreeItem objects as children to this root and in a recursive/tree manner to add children of children. Remember that the Department object contains a List<Employee> within itself. We create two such Department objects and add them to another list called deptList. Adding data to tree is accomplished as follows:
//add data to tree
List<Department> deptList = buildData(); -> {
final TreeItem deptTreeItem = new TreeItem(department);
department.getEmployeeList().stream().forEach((employee) -> {
deptTreeItem.getChildren().add(new TreeItem(employee));
As indicated in my earlier post, in real scenario(s), we will need to deal with showing a tree-table view with different entities, for example, to display a department with list of employees belonging to the department. These may share a relationship at the db level, but it will be a HAS-A relationship at object level. When we attemp to display this in a tree-table, note that the parent is one type of object and the children (leaf) another.
The official JavaFX TreeTableView tutorial available on Oracle site, actually does display a department and a list of employees as children. But, if you notice the code, it uses only one object - an Employee object throughout (even for the department). The department is just displayed as a trick of using the first object as root (where the name is set and email is left as empty). This is good for illustration purposes, but, it is important to know how to deal with 2 different objects for such scneario(s).
Let us first create the entities. I will be using the same attributes (except photo for Employee) from the earlier example.
public class Employee {
private int id;
private String name;
private Date doj;
public Employee(int id, String name, Date doj) { = id;
//setters and getters not shown for brevity
public class Department {
private int id;
private String name;
private List<Employee> employeeList;
public Department(int id, String name, List<Employee> empList) { = id;
public List<Employee> getEmployeeList() {
return employeeList;
public void setEmployeeList(List<Employee> employeeList) {
this.employeeList = employeeList;
//other setters and getters
As JavaFX came into existence after Java 1.5 (the Java API version), everything in JavaFX is generified. So, right from declaring the TreeTableView to adding columns, everywhere the entity is specified. However, for us, we will be dealing with 2 different entities. So, we will not specify the entity anywhere. We will just use the normal syntax for dealing with objects like:
TreeTableView treeTableView = new TreeTableView(dummyRoot);
instead of
TreeTableView<Employee> treeTableView = new TreeTableView<>(dummyRoot);
As we are going to show a list of departments (where each department will have a list of employees), I am using a dummy root object (this root object can represent an Organization when we want to show the root), like:
final TreeItem dummyRoot = new TreeItem();
Now, I create the TreeTableView with this dummyRoot tree item. Then I call the setShowRoot(false) to hide the root. Again, note the lack of usage of generics here.
Now, we need to add all our items to this root. We will deal with that later.
Let's now create the columns. We need to show 3 columns (id, name and doj) for Employee. For Department, the 3rd column will not display any value. First, I create the column, like:
TreeTableColumn idColumn = new TreeTableColumn("Id");
Next step is to specify how the column is going to fetch the value from the entity and display it.
We need to set the cellValueFactory by passing a javafx.util.Callback which will be type parameterized as follows:
Callback<TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<S,T>, ObservableValue<T>>
The Callback interface has one method call() which we need to override. The call() method actually takes TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<S,T> as param and returns ObservableValue<T>. Here, S is the parent object that represents that row and T is the type for that column. This will be called back whenever JavaFX decides to update its view.
As is the norm in JavaFX, we would normally generify the call with the object that we expect, say Employee and the column type, say, String. However, in our case, as the parent object can either be Employee or Department, we will not be able to use generics. Likewise, the column may actually have Integer type for Employee object and String type for Department object (not in this example, but, this is very much possible).
So, we will simply use the Object as the type for the parameter to the call method, So, the implementation will be like:
idColumn.setCellValueFactory(new Callback() {
public Object call(Object obj) {
//return ObservableValue (without type)
Remember that as mentioned above, the incoming Object obj is actually of type TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures. So, we have to type cast the same and then call getValue() which will then return a TreeItem object:
TreeItem represents each node in the Tree and has a value attached to it - which is actually the value object. So, we have call getValue() on the TreeItem object to get the domain object which in our case can be Employee or Department:
Object dataObj = ((TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures)obj).getValue().getValue();
So, now we can do an instanceof check on dataObj to identify the correct type and then invoke the correct method, like:
We need to return a ObservableValue from the method, so, we will return a ReadOnlyStringWrapper which takes a String value as an argument. So, we can return like:
return new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(String.valueOf(((Department)dataObj).getId()));
The full call looks like:
idColumn.setCellValueFactory(new Callback() {
public Object call(Object obj) {
Object dataObj = ((TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures)obj).getValue().getValue();
if(dataObj instanceof Department) {
return new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(String.valueOf(((Department)dataObj).getId()));
else if(dataObj instanceof Employee) {
return new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(String.valueOf(((Employee)dataObj).getId()));
return null;
We can use lambda expressions for the same, which I have done for the dojColumn:
dojColumn.setCellValueFactory((Object obj) -> {
final Object dataObj = ((TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures)obj).getValue().getValue();
if(dataObj instanceof Employee) {
return new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(((Employee)dataObj).getDoj().toString());
return null;
Remember that, there is no doj value present for Department. So, we do an instanceof check only for Employee and return the employee's doj. Otherwise, we simply return null. So, for the rows where the Department object is displayed, the doj column will simply be empty.
Once all the columns have been defined, we can add this to the tree as follows:
treeTableView.getColumns().setAll(idColumn, nameColumn, dojColumn);
Once all the columns have been defined, we can add this to the tree as follows:
treeTableView.getColumns().setAll(idColumn, nameColumn, dojColumn);
As we created the TreeTableView with a dummyRoot TreeItem object, all we need to show data is to simply add TreeItem objects as children to this root and in a recursive/tree manner to add children of children. Remember that the Department object contains a List<Employee> within itself. We create two such Department objects and add them to another list called deptList. Adding data to tree is accomplished as follows:
//add data to tree
List<Department> deptList = buildData(); -> {
final TreeItem deptTreeItem = new TreeItem(department);
department.getEmployeeList().stream().forEach((employee) -> {
deptTreeItem.getChildren().add(new TreeItem(employee));
When I run the application, it looks like this:
When comparing with my earlier post on achieving the same with Swing, I have to say that doing the same is much more simpler in JavaFX as I deal with individual columns one at a time. And, I have to implement only one method that is equivalent of getValueAt. I don't have to deal with the getChild() and getChildCount() methods as in Swing.
The complete source code for this sample can be found in my github repo.